Five Steps to Set and Achieve Your Goals-Audio

Full Audio Only Version of Video Course

Intermediate 0(0 Ratings) 1 Students Enrolled
Last Updated Sun, 14-May-2023 English
What will I learn?
  • Be better prepared to be successful and productive in all aspects of your life

Curriculum for this course
8 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
Five Steps to Set and Achieve Your Goals-Audio
6 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Module One- Steps for Goal Setting
  • Module Two- Why You Should Set Goals
  • Module Three- Types of Goals
  • Module Four- Goal Setting Theory
  • Module Five- Applying S.E.A. of Success®
  • Thank You From Coach T®
  • Goal Setting Quiz
  • Goal Setting Inspiration Chart
  • Willingness to plan and prepare for success
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Are you a teenager who wants to learn how to set and achieve your goals? If so, this is the course for you! In this course, we will take you through the five steps to set and achieve your goals. You will learn why you should set goals, the types of goals, and how to apply the S.E.A Of Success®.

The first step in setting and achieving your goals is to know why you should set goals. When you have a goal, it gives you something to strive for. It gives you a sense of purpose and direction. Goals also help you to stay motivated and focused on what you want to achieve.

The second step is to learn the types of goals. There are four main types of goals: short-term, long-term, personal, and professional. Short-term goals are ones that you can achieve in a short period of time, such as in the next week or month. Long-term goals are ones that will take longer to achieve, such as in the next year or five years. Personal goals are ones that relate to your personal life, such as your health or relationships. Professional goals are ones that relate to your career, such as getting a promotion or starting your own business.

The third step is to learn the goal setting theory. The goal setting theory says that there are three things that need to be present for a goal to be effective: clarity, challenge, and commitment. The first thing is clarity – your goal needs to be clear and specific. The second thing is challenge – your goal needs to be challenging enough that it motivates you to achieve it. The third thing is commitment – you need to be committed to achieving your goal.

The fourth step is how to apply the S.E.A Of Success® which stands for Set Your Goal, Eliminate Your Excuses, And Take Action! This last step is important because it helps you actually achieve your goal. First, you need to set your goal. Second, eliminate any excuses that might prevent you from achieving your goal. And third, take action! Don’t just sit around waiting for things to happen – make them happen!

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